دكتوره نور حمدى لاجراء عمليات ترقيع غشاء البكارة فى مصر
دكتوره نور حمدى اخصائيه نساء وتوليد لاجراء عمليات ترقيع غشاء البكارة فى مصر
اي بنت محتاجه اي مساعده بخصوص ترقيع غشاء البكاره او اي استشاره نسائيه تكلمني
لكل البنات اللي شايفين ان حياتهم وقفت لغايه كده عاوزه
اقولكم ان العمليه بسيطه جدا ونجاحها مضمون باذن الله تجري الجراحة فى خلال من 30
ل 40 دقيقة بتخدير موضعى بدون اى شعور او احساس بالم وفى سرية تامة وبدون اى
بيانات شخصية
مع متابعه مجانيه للفتاة لحين الزواج
للاستفسار د/نور
& Viber
او التواصل علي الايميل
Dr. Noor Specialist GYN
Any girl in need of any assistance regarding the hymen or any advice women talk to me
Per girls who Haeven that their lives and stood up to Keda Aaozh Acolkm that the process is very simple and the content of their success, God willing, take place during the surgery in 30 to 40 minutes topical anesthetic without any feeling or sense of Palm and in complete secrecy and without any personal data
While pursuing free the girl until marriage
To inquire d / Noor
WhatsApp & Viber
Or email to communicate
Any girl in need of any assistance regarding the hymen or any advice women talk to me
Per girls who Haeven that their lives and stood up to Keda Aaozh Acolkm that the process is very simple and the content of their success, God willing, take place during the surgery in 30 to 40 minutes topical anesthetic without any feeling or sense of Palm and in complete secrecy and without any personal data
While pursuing free the girl until marriage
To inquire d / Noor
WhatsApp & Viber
Or email to communicate